Sifraa Design Insight

E-learning Platforms

Understanding e- Learning is simple. e- Learning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a
traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program or degree delivered completely online.

There have been many studies showing that e- Learning students retain the material to a significantly greater degree than face-to-face instructor led classes. The content delivery is consistent and can be easily repeated if needed to gain a better understanding.

Flash to HTML 5 Conversion:

Over the years, Adobe Flash-ActionScript and HTML-JavaScript-CSS based development have been used as two of the main approaches for websites and other front-end web-based applications. But Flash has various limitations on smartphones and other mobile devices, which gradually have led to the emergence of HTML5. Further, some of the most popular internet
browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have blocked Adobe Flash technology for speed and security reasons.

One of the primary advantages of HTML 5 is its ability to support multimedia (audio, video,animations) content and to fulfill the greater usability demands of varying screen dimensions of both mobile and desktop devices. This is the key reason why an increasing number of organizations have started to use HTML 5 for their website development, and others have started to either migrate or upgrade their existing content
from Flash to HTML 5.

Why Convert to HTML 5?

HTML 5 has completely revolutionized the way HTML content is presented due to its various advanced features such as support of audio, video, SVG, Canvas, and many more file types.

HTML 5 is also one of the best alternatives to Flash Player as it has the native ability to perform well in various low battery-powered devices such
as smartphones and tablets.

Among other advantages of HTML 5 are:

• Compatibility with all modern browsers across devices

• Support of Responsive Web Design (RWD)

• Functions without any browser plug-in

• Offers built-in support for rich media elements

• HTML 5 output content consumes less memory.

E- learning process:

A basic overview of a process they can follow to design e-learning.
In this post, we’ll share with you the five steps to my e Learning development process which we follow at SifraaDesign.

Step 1: Plan the Project

The first step in e-Learning development process is to: Plan the Project.

Before we begin building our e-Learning course, it’s important to spend time with stakeholders and subject matter experts to plan and scope the
total project. When planning e-Learning project, we’ll conduct a meeting with our stakeholders to determine the learning objectives of our course, agree upon a project plan, and draft a development timeline.

Step 2: Draft a Storyboard

The second step in e-Learning development process is to: Draft a Storyboard.

During this step of the e-Learning development process, we”ll work with our subject matter experts to collect and organize our learning
content. During or after the client meeting, the client might give you a big pile of raw content, such as past training materials, or a PowerPoint presentation. We’ll then develop that content into a storyboard for our stakeholders and subject matter experts to review.

Instructional design for e- learning:
Instructional design for e- Learning can be a challenge. It’s easy to slap a bunch of bullet points on a slide, tell the learner everything they need to know, add a next button, and call it e Learning. However, it’s not so easy to design an e Learning course that’s interactive, visually stunning, and focused on performance.

E- learning is More than Just Instructional Design:

It’s not just instructional design—it’s graphic design, user interface design, and visual communications! And these things could either help to elevate the effectiveness of instructional design.

Step 3: Develop the Course

The third step in e-Learning development process is to: Develop the Course.

Development typically starts by creating a prototype of the course. A prototype is simply a short sample of the course, which lets stakeholders and subject matter experts get a preview of what the final course will look like. Creating an e-Learning prototype can help us align expectations with our subject matter experts, accurately scope the project, and save
time with large changes.

#Graphic design in e-Learning course development:

Good e-learning design is so much more than just good instructional design. Developing an engaging and effective e-Learning course requires good graphic design. Although using solid instructional design techniques should always be a priority, if your e-Learning course isn’t visually engaging, your learners might assume your content is equally boring.

Here are some Graphic design tips for e Learning:
• Pair the Right Fonts: The quickest and easiest method for improving the graphic design of e-Learning course is carefully selecting and pairing the
right fonts.

• Create a Beautiful Color Scheme: After selecting and pairing the right fonts, the second easiest method for improving the visual design of your e Learning course, is to create and use a beautiful color scheme. Just like fonts, colors can help create a sense of emotion and add character to your e Learning slides.

• Select High-Quality Images: Images are perhaps the most common type of multimedia used in e Learning. Images can be used to serve many different
purposes in e Learning; they can help tell a story, explain a technical process, or simply enhance your message. Because images have such a strong ability to engage your learners, it’s important to select the right images for your e Learning course.

• Use Animations with Intention: Using animations in e Learning is a
great way to bring content to life and communicate ideas. Although animations can be a powerful tool for visual design, too often, they’re used as a meaningless design embellishment. When paired with audio narration and beautiful graphics and images, animations can help reduce the amount of onscreen text and help to tell a story.

When we start the development of course, graphic design plays an important role as we initially create your slide templates or prototypes.

Step 4: Review the Course

The fourth step in e-Learning development process is to: Review the Course.

Once we’ve finalized the development of our e-Learning course, we want to spend time conduct a detailed quality assurance (QA) check of the entire course. A QA check is meant to help us identify any outstanding typos, grammar errors, and most importantly, any functionality errors. We always QA our course once are done with development and before we deliver it to our learners. We thoroughly review from top to bottom for design inconsistencies, broken navigation links, spelling, and grammar. Additionally, we will tested by potential participants and watch them
as they complete the course to see where they struggle, what works well, and what doesn’t work well. We can always adjust the course based on
observations for a better end result.

Step 5: Deliver the Course

The fifth step in e- Learning development process is to: Deliver the Course.

Depending on how we want to make our e- Learning course available to our learners, we’ll either publish our course to a Learning Management System (LMS) or some other methods via the internet. During this steps, it’s also important for us to organize and archive our project files and conduct a project retrospective. E-learning is not just a change of technology. It
is part of a redefinition of how we as a species transmit knowledge, skills, and values to younger generations of workers and students. Write us your detailed requirements for e-learning development SifraaDesign Team would get back to you with support and solution.

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